One of the key responsibilities we have as a Victorian employer is the management of our employees when they sustain an injury or illness at work. This involves Return To Work planning, inclusive of communication with treating doctors and specialists, identifying suitable employment options and preparing and monitoring of Return-to-Work Programs.
The way our Return-to-Work obligations are marketed through media and regular e-newsletters and emails is that all injured persons will follow their responsibilities, and everyone will be happy when they have received a full medical clearance and is ready again to attend to their preinjury role – totally recovered.
Trust me this is not the case.
Now again, we are all for the rehabilitation and recovery of all individuals who lodge claims and sustain injuries. This is our role – administer, manage, guide and support, BUT there are always situations when our plans do not go the way they are suggested and promoted.
So what do I mean by this – extended time off, no treatment being received, treating doctors taking no interest apart from issuing certificates and a potential lack of interest from the individual in returning to work.
Attached to this, WorkCover Agents are hamstrung when making doctors and injured workers accountable if absenteeism from work is greater than would normally be expected.
So, we recommend top level engagement with your employees from day one of an injury/illness and guide them through a process and provide support rather than relying on your WorkCover Agent to obtain the result you need.
Whether it’s a paper cut, a broken bone, or a strained muscle, treat your employees how you would like to be treated and you will find that your results and the attitude of all involved will change immensely.
If you require any further information or a push in the right direction, please drop us a line on 1300 785 244. You can even outsource your Return to Work Coordinator responsibilities to our team, so we can help you to make informed decisions about how, if and when an injured employee returns to work and communicate with all key stakeholders including doctors, physical therapists and mental health specialists on your behalf.